There are hundreds of credit card processing companies in the marketplace today. Many focus on industry-specific applications, such as restaurants and hotels. Sadly, most of these processing companies offer their services to a wide array of businesses, including abortion doctors and clinics. Whether the company offering merchant services is large or small, each company is a representative of a Visa and MasterCard member bank.
These member banks are approved by Visa and MasterCard, both of which are the Associations that issue and accept credit card transactions through merchants around the globe. Banks around the world cooperate in authorizing and settling more than a trillion dollars annually on credit and debit cards. Visa and MasterCard spend hundreds of millions each year to expand their presence and proliferate the businesses and business types that use their products. The Payment Card Industry (PCI) is a huge industry that grows at more than ten percent each year. Both Visa and MasterCard are publicly traded companies; therefore, their drive to expand market share and card acceptance is not only a plan, it is a market-driven mandate.
The participating member banks have specific guidelines regarding the types of merchants that they will accept for processing. Unfortunately, many banks are driven solely by the bottom-line impact of revenue created from credit card processing. For this reason, they are less conscientious about the types of merchants that they will process for. Most banks will process for businesses with agendas that are morally objectionable, and organizations that are supporting and providing abortions.
At Cornerstone we say No! We will not serve businesses or Organizations that do not support Life!
“For you formed my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother's womb.” ~ Psalms 139:13